Test Class Template
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.RobolectricGradleTestRunner; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP; @Config(sdk = LOLLIPOP, constants = BuildConfig.class) @RunWith(RobolectricGradleTestRunner.class) public class MyTest { // something to mock @Mock TypeA A; @Spy TypeB B = new TypeB(); // ... // Set up @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { initMocks(this); // create mock objects, ex. A and B above // ... do so other init things } // Tear down @After public void tearDown() { // ... do so tear down things } // Test Case (which should not throw exception) @Test public void testCase1() throws Exception { // do something } // Test Case (expect exception) @Test(expected=YouExceptException.class) public void testException1() { // something would throw YouExceptException.class exception } // Test Case (expect exception) @Test public void testException2() throws Exception { try { // something should throw exception // import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions; Assertions.failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown(YouExpectException.class); } catch (YouExpectException e) { } // verify other things here } // Test Case (with timeout) @Test(timeout=100) public void infinity() { // something should not run longer than 100ms } }
Mock something (create a fake object)
1. Use @Mock to create mock member variables. (see above)
MyClass mockObject = Mockito.mock(MyClass.class);
3. Mock Generic Type Class
MyClass<T> mockObject = (MyClass<T>) Mockito.mock(MyClass.class);====
When ( tell the mock objects what to return )
// tell the object what to return when its function is called. when(mockObject.functionA()).thenReturn(valueA); when(mockObject.functionB()).thenReturn(valueB); // return different values based on the input when(mockObject.functionC(inputA)).thenReturn(valueA); when(mockObject.functionC(inputB)).thenReturn(valueB); // return a value based on the type of the provide parameter // use anyInt(), anyString()... when(mockObject.functionD(anyInt())).thenReturn(-1); when(mockObject.functionD(isA(ThisIsAClass.class))).thenReturn(0); // return different values if the function may be called many times // Iterator i= mock(Iterator.class); when(i.next()).thenReturn("first").thenReturn("second");====
Spy something (create a real object, but fake some of its functions)
MyClass spyObject = spy(new MyClass()); //You have to use doReturn() for stubbing doReturn("foo").when(spyObject).functionA();====
// verify functionA is called once verify(mockObject).functionA(); // verify functionB with parameter valueA is called once verify(mockObject).functionB(Matchers.eq(valueB)); // verify function is called many times verify(mockObject, times(2)).functionA(); // verify function is never called verify(mockObject, never()).functionC(); verify(mockObject, never()).functionD(anyInt()); // other verify functions verifyZeroInteractions(mockObject); verify(mock, atLeastOnce()).someMethod("called at least once"); verify(mock, atLeast(2)).someMethod("called at least twice"); verify(mock, atMost(3)).someMethod("called at most 3 times"); // if one of the parameter use the matcher, all parameters have to use matcher. // this is correct verify(mock).someMethod(anyInt(), anyString(), eq("third argument")); // the following will throw exception // verify(mock).someMethod(anyInt(), anyString(), "third argument");====
assertThat (check value)
assertThat(obj.functionA()).isFalse(); assertThat(obj.functionA()).isTrue(); assertThat(obj.functionA()).isNull(); assertThat(obj.functionA()).isNotNull(); assertThat(obj.functionA()).isEqualTo("ABC"); assertThat(obj.functionA()).isNotEqualTo("ABC");====
Observable Testing (Using TestSubscriber)
Subscriber====subscriber = spy(new TestSubscriber ()); // ... Observable observable = CreateAnObservable(); // new an Observable observable.subscribe(subscriber); // Something you can verify subscribe.assertNoErrors(); verify(subscriber, times(2)).onNext(cursor); verify(subscriber).onNext(cursor); verify(subscriber, never()).onError(any(Throwable.class)); verify(subscriber).onCompleted();
1. any(String.class) 和 anyString()
any(String.class) 包含 null和任何String
anyString() 只包含任何String, 不包含Null
2. new出來的obj (不是mock出來的obj) 才有method的實作
要先用spy()來得到spy obj
3. mock出來的obj 沒有method的實作
要用when(...).thenReturn(...) 來控制obj內的method會回傳什麼
4. static和final的method, class...等無法mock
如果想要測試static function
只能把static function多包一層放在某個class的non-static function內